Nvidia GeForce GTX 1180 release date?: not anytime soon

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1180 release date

We are in full week of Computex 2018 and we hoped that NVIDIA would reveal new data and dates on the launch of the new GTX 1180 and the rest of the models of the GTX 1100 series. However, the CEO of the company, Jenson Huang, has hinted that there is still – ample time – for us to see a new generation in the market.

The CEO himself has assured several media in the round of Questions and Response of the event that took place just before Computex 2018, that the Pascal architecture continues and will remain the best architecture on the market for gamers, now and in the future. A near future.

When the media was more specific and asked about the launch of the next generation, Huang responded that the launch of the new models is not planned for a long time.

This news comes as a jug of cold water, as the company is part of the Hot Chips Symposium, which is expected to explain in detail its new generation of graphics cards. After the answer given by the CEO of the company in the GTC it is not clear if its launch will arrive in the next months or not.

In addition, this news contrasts with the information we had a few months ago that SK Hynix was beginning the production of NVIDIA’s GDDR6 memories for its next generation. However, it may only be the beginning of the production of the models to be able to test them and later launch them to the market.

What we have clear is that this summer we will not see the new models of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1100 graphics cards and less on the Volta architecture. The CEO’s statements have been very direct, although you never know they may be waiting for the date chosen to make statements to approach.