Apps Missing On Windows Phone

The amount of applications in the Windows Phone marketplace have increased astronomically but there are still some essential apps that are missing in the marketplace. Here is a the list of some of the apps that I miss on my Lumia 820 windows phone.

Apps Missing On Windows Phone

Pocket. I sorely miss this. Out of all the alternatives that exist, Pouch is the best yet it is incredibly buggy. Crashes whilst loading long articles, crashes when archiving an article. Even though the UI conforms to the WP developer guidelines, it appears dated.

Google Apps. Unfair, I know. And not something that is probably going to change in the near future. However, I miss the option of streaming live YouTube events on WP. A decent Google hangout client would also be welcome at this stage. And yes, these are the only two Google services that I miss.

Facebook Notifications. Could someone give me a technical explanation of why it is so difficult to get these right. Twitter notifications work beautifully on my Lumia 920, what’s wrong with FB? I get notifications via the "Me Tile" but the FB app never gives me any notification. Or if it does, they are usually a week old. And can I please have notifications for Facebook messages? Why is it so hard to implement?