White LG Nexus 4 announced officially

The LG Nexus 4’s white version, that is a result of partnership between LG and Nexus has been announced officially. The press images of the same were being released of late. The date set for release is May 29th and the first place to get the modified version of Nexus 4 is Hong Kong. Some of the specs are:

*1,280 x 768-pixel
*4.7inch IPS display
*Snapdragon S4 Pro CPU
*Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

Have a look at the press release after the break.

rlgnexus4white lgnexus4white02

Press Release:

LG Electronics (LG) today announced the launch of Nexus 4 White, the newest edition of the popular smartphone developed in collaboration with Google. Nexus 4 White features the same stellar Android™ experience as the original Nexus 4, combining LG’s sophisticated hardware design and popular Google Services such as Google Now and Photosphere for an outstanding overall user experience.

“Nexus 4 set the standard for Android 4.2 Jelly Bean smartphones,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Mobile Communications Company. “Nexus 4 White delivers the same Google experience to consumers in a stylish and attractive color option.”

Nexus 4 White comes with the superb 4.7-inch 1280-by-768 True HD IPS Plus display (320ppi) supported by Zerogap Touch technology. At its heart is the high performing Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor and 2GB of RAM.

Starting in Hong Kong on May 29, Nexus 4 White will roll out globally in select markets in Asia, North America, Europe and the Middle East over the next several weeks.