Intel Xeon E7 v2 Processors

Intel has just added to it’s Server CPU line Xeon the range of E7 v2 processor. Xeon E7 v2 bring along more than just clock advantage.

Intel Xeon E7 v2 Processors

The Xeon E7 v2 Processors have three times the memory capacity compared to their predecessors, making data analysis a lot faster and easier. It will help with in-memory analytics the most, an increasingly popular method that places and analyzes whole data sets in the system memory instead of HDDs. This way, an organization’s whole customer database can be quickly accessed, sorted and searched through. Intel’s new chips have up to 15 cores each and support for up to 1.5 TB of DRAM memory per socket, will enable truly great performance capabilities on 32-socket servers.

Furthermore, bottlenecks are reduced due to Intel Integrated I/O, Intel Data Direct I/O and support for PCIe 3. Add to that the Run Sure Technology (reduces frequency and cost of planned/unplanned downtime).
About 21 companies have already placed orders for Xeon E7 v2 processors. About 40 platforms from ASUS, IBM, HP, Fujitsu, Cisco and many others will debut over the next few months.