Graphite iPhone 5S: Fourth Color?

Until now, we have discovered three colors of upcoming iPhone 5S – gold, white and black. Today, we have spotted another color of it, which Apple will call “Graphite iPhone 5S”, but people carrying pistol will definitely call it “Gun metal gray”.

Graphite iPhone 5S evleaks

Sonny Dickson, who released pics of next gen iPhone recently released fresh photos of Graphics iPhone 5S. He says,

Up to this point, it has widely been thought that the iPhone 5S will only come in 3 colors: Gold, Slate, and white with silver trim. According to new images we’ve obtained, however, it appears the iPhone 5S may also come in a 4th color – a grey or graphite color with a black trim.

So, yes, another iPhone 5S color would so much more awesome. However, it might be the case that Apple has tweaked the iPhone 5’s slate / black color and will be delivering it as graphite. twitter.