Google Search option No Longer Available in Windows Phones

I just noticed something very weird on my Lumia 920 after receiving the official Amber update. There is no Google search option in the Internet Explorer! Earlier, there were two options – Bing and Google and after selecting either, you could simple type in to the address bar to perform search by your favourite search engine. This is apparently happening to Windows Phone users in India.

google search windows phone

Now, Google has been removed and there are two options – both of which say “Bing”. No matter, which option you select, your search done with Bing always.

Google Search option No Longer Available in Windows Phones

This does not sounds like a mistake to us, but rather as a payback to ban of YouTube’s official application.

Note that you can still go to and search using their search engine.  Google’s official windows phone is also working fine.

Thanks Maya for the tip.