Download official Lenovo K3 Note ROM

You can download all and any official Lenovo K3 Note ROM using our method. Use this method to sniff data with proxy method and for that we will have to install fiddler on PC.

1. Install Fiddler Web Debugger on PC. Download link
2. Adjust Options by enable “Allow remote computers to connect”.
3. Restart Fiddler to activate the new settings.
4. Find the current IP Address of your running PC.
5. Setup WLAN Proxy in your K3 Note and try to click “System update”.
6. Now you should see the data that sent and received between cell phone and Lenovo server.

Download official Lenovo K3 Note ROM

Download official Lenovo K3 Note firmwareDownload Lenovo K3 Note firmwareofficial Lenovo K3 Note ROM