Flappy Bird Game Returning To iOS

You can now download Flappy Bird for iOS which means it is now available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Flappy Bird enjoyed a quick and popular run when it was at the top of Android and Apple iOS application stores. After few weeks, its developer Dong Nguyen removed the game but he has confirmed that Flappy Bird for Apple iOS will make a return.

Flappy Bird ios download

The gameplay was simple. Just clear obstacles by tapping the display. However it is not so simple and it could be a frustrating game. Developer took the game down because people were too much into it and he thought it could become dangerously addictive.

While we may never know the truth, but we do know that Flappy Bird’s popularity is crazy and unreal. We also hope the game also makes to Windows Phone this time even there are quite a few clones of it on the WP store.