Bloatware Free Stock ROM for Galaxy J5 2016

There is an amazing light stock ROM that is bloatware free for the Samsung Galaxy J5 2016. To flash this stock ROM, you will need to be stock Android marshmallow firmware. So if you are not, you will to be on official firmware and you can do so by downloading and flashing it using Odin.

Bloatware Free Stock ROM for Galaxy J5 2016

You will also need to download J5 2016 TWRP and flash it as that is how you can flash third party, custom ROMs. Here are the features of the Bloatware Free Stock ROM for Galaxy J5 2016.

PreRooted, Deodexed , Zipaligned, Debloated (Some bloatware removed), DeKnoxed, Added init.d support, S7 nougat Browser, S7 Music Player, S7 File manager, S7 Quick connect , 3G tweaks, Wireless tweaks, Netspeed tweaks, Google DNS tweaks, Note 7 System sounds, Note 7 ringtones and notifications, Su.d support, Insecure boot, Battery tweaks, Performance tweaks and VoLTE

Installation instructions for Bloatware Free Stock ROM for Galaxy J5 2016

1) Download the ROM from here. Boot into J5 2016’s TWRP recovery using Volume UP button + Home button + Power button simultaneously for upto 10 seconds.
2) Wipe your Data, Cache and Dalvik cache first before proceeding.. It may cause a bootloop if you don’t.
3) Click on install from main menu and locate the downloaded ROM.
4) Select the ROM, flash and reboot.
5) First boot time may vary from 5-20 minutes to load. So please be patient.
6) If the keyboard doesn’t show any word suggestions then please use another keyboard like the latest Sony Xperia keyboard from here. Its good looking as well as better than Samsung’s keyboard

The ROM is tested to work with SM-J510FN : J510FNXXU2APK6 variant of J5 2016 so flash it only on this model.

Fix Galaxy J5 2016 WiFi Battery Drain with this method

Are you a user of J510N, J510FN or J510GN Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 model and have noticed the battery drain by Wi-Fi? There is a way on how to fix this. All you have to do is by flashing this stock kernel that has Wi-Fi fix.

Fix Galaxy J5 2016 WiFi Battery Drain

This fix is said to be working with these ROMs – RetRom Spring Final, Light TM Final, Hybrid Note 7 Rom , Light Stock J5 2016 ROM V3 and Pixel & Cyanogen Skins.

To flash this kernel, you will have to have Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP custom recovery installed. Then, fire up ODIN and connect your J5 2016 in download mode. Put the kernel in AP in ODIN and flash it. It will only take few moments to flash it.

The phone will now reboot with the Wi-Fi fix installed. J510HXXU2AQA3, J510FNXXU2AQA7and J510FNXXU2APL4 are supported kernels.

Of keep in mind that while by installing this custom kernel, your wifi drain problem with the Samsung galaxy j5 2016 android phone will be solved, you will loose warranty. So think twice about it. A lot of people already have their phone out of warranty so it makes sense to install things like TWRP and this kernel to get Wi-Fi fix working.

Download Wileyfox Swift 2 Recovery Image and Fastboot Image

Recover images of Wileyfox Swift 2 android phone are now available for download. This will help you get your phone to factory state if something goes wrong with it. We have also got hold of the fastboot image that requires open bootloader.

Wileyfox Swift 2 Recovery Image

The recovery Wileyfox Swift 2 recovery image works nicely in Wileyfox Swift 2’s TWRP custom recovery and does not requires open bootloader like in case of fastboot image.

These are the images of the latest TOS118C firmware which is the latest one at the time of this post. This is also useful for those Wileyfox Swift 2 users who have not received the update and want the latest firmware on their phone.

Download Wileyfox Swift 2 Recovery Image

In case you are on old ROM and just want the incremental update, there is an option for that as well. It will upgrade you from TOS089A to TOS118C which means from decf3a575d to aa4d5d86bc.

This upgrade is also useful for those users who have rooted Wileyfox Swift 2 and want to upgrade to the latest version without removing root or relocking the bootloader. So you will not have to wipe your android phone.

Here are the download links:

Set it to WILEYFOX   rsotaua 1.0   Chrome    Replace    WF and only then the download link will work.

Galaxy S8 UI for Samsung J5 2016: Download S8 dream UI for Galaxy J5 2016

Samsung Galaxy S8 UI has been ported to Galaxy J5. It is compatible with these models, J510MN, J510FN, J510GN, J510F, J510H, J510Y and J510FQ. For this, you will be installing custom ROM on your Samsung Galaxy J5 so you will need official J5 twrp custom recovery.

Download S8 dream UI for Galaxy J5

Here are the installation instructions:

1. Use J5 TWRP for this process.
2. Clear System, Dalvik Cache, Cache and DATA. In case you are not running stock ROM, it is suggested to clear everything.
3. Download the ROM, copy it to your phone’s storage and install ROM using twrp.
4. Install Cherry Kernel v1.1.3 and Reboot. This kernel is important to make Wi-Fi work.
5. First boot takes a lot of time, around 10-20 minutes so wait.
7. Install Update and and fix

You can install plethora of S8 related mods. Make sure to install them after first boot.

Font Galaxy S8
EDGE Screen [People edge is not working right now]
Samsung Apps Updated [Photo Editor, Video Editor and more]
Dolby Atmos
AM3D Zirene Sound
TurboMOD – Turbo Colors Display MOD By HPM8294

Here are the features of it.

* A5 2017 UX & S8+ DREAM UX
* Multi Windows for all apps
* Always On display
* Camera v6
* Dual-SIM Support
* Quick Boot
* High volume calls
* Fast charge
* UHQ or Ultra High Quality Sound

Samsung Note 7 ROM for J5 2016 | Download Galaxy J5 Note 7 firmware

Here is a feature rich ROM for the Samsung Galaxy J5 that brings entire Note 7 user interface and features to the J5 2016 model. Compatible variants include J510FN and J510MN while the J510GN and J510F are not confirmed.

Samsung Note 7 ROM for J5 2016

Here are the features of this ROM:

* Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
* Based on Note7 N930FXXU2BPJ8 firmware
* November security patch (01.11.16)
* Note7 frameworks & apps
* Recents Panel with Ram bar
* Fast & Stable
* Root and Busybox installable
* Init.d support
* Heavy Debloated
* Deknoxed
* Zipaligned in boot
* Tweaked for best performance

Installation is easy and quick. The only thing you will need is J5 2016 TWRP with Aroma support. Once you have it, download the ROM onto your phone. Clear System, Dalvik Cache, Cache and data. Then in Aroma installer, select safe format, then, choose your rooting method and features. The first boot will take around 10 minuets to boot so do not panic.

The ROM is accompanied by a kernel that brings several battery saving and performance features.

* Build with LinaroMod* 6.1.1 Hyper toolchain
* Permissive Selinux
* Linux version: 3.10.89
* Oc: Cpu(1.5ghz), Gpu(720mhz)
* Mild undervolt
* Neon
* Tune* up for Cortex A53 / ARMv8 architecture
* O3 and A53 optimization flags
* MSM Hotplug
* Alucard Hotplug
* Bricked Hotplug
* Intelli Thermal / Plug
* Asynchronous Fsync
* Powersuspend
* Quickwakeup
* Kcal Display Color Control
* Various io schedulers
* Frandom driver
* KSM(Kernel same page merging)
* Cpu Governors: Alucard, Intelliactive, Barry Allen, interactive, ondemand, conservative, userspace, powersave, performance
* Default TCP Congestion algorithm:Westwood
* Removed CPU_LIMIT
* CPU / GPU enhancements for greatly improved performance / power consumption.

Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP: Download J510H J510F J510FN J510GN J510MN TWRP Custom Recovery

TWRP 3.1.0 for the Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP is available for download. It works for all variants of the J5 2016 android phone including J510H, J510F, J510FN, J510GN and J510MN. This version supports Aroma installer and ADB Backup. You can also Wipe Persist, Wipe Preload, Mount Efs / Preload / Firmware-modem / firmware / Persist and more features.

Download Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP

How to install .tar Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP Custom Recovery

1. Install device usb drivers and Odin
In Phone Developer options – On OEM unlock
2. Power off the device.
3. Boot to download mode (VOLUME DOWN/HOME/POWER).
4. Volume UP once.
5. Open Odin  as an administrator, connect the device to a usb port,
and make sure a blue button appears and says “Added” in description on the left.
6. Select AP or PDA for older Odin and search for the downloaded tar file.
7. Uncheck auto reboot from the second tab.
8. Start flash and you should see the succeeded command.
9. Unplug the device and remove the battery.
10. Reboot to TWRP and enjoy! (VOLUME UP/HOME/POWER).

How to install .img Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 TWRP Custom Recovery

1.Download the latest TWRP image file (.img)
2.Boot into the TWRP recovery.(VOLUME UP/HOME/POWER)
3.Go to install and find and select the Images button.(At right-bottom)
4.Browse to the image that you downloaded and select it.
5.Choose recovery and swipe to flash. You are done