Download Light Manager for Galaxy Note 2

Originally created for Samsung Galaxy S3, the Light Manager works perfectly on Note 2 which shows that software-wise, both of these super phones are not so different. The Light Manager allows you to configure the color of your LED and its flashing frequency. It also allows you to configure notifications for those services which are not natively present in LED notifications’ settings such as notification for no signal, no Wi-Fi and so on. Here is the list of items it can configure:

light manager galaxy note 2

– Miss call
– Gmail
– Calendar reminder
– Google Talk
– *Email
– *Facebook and Messenger
– *Twitter
– *WhatsApp
– *GO SMS Pro
– *Handcent SMS
– *Any 3rd party apps (Only applicable in Alternating Mode)
– Low battery
– Battery charging
– Battery charged
– No signal
– No 3G/4G
– No Wifi

To use items marked with *, you must root your Note 2 or they would not work. After you have rooted, restart Light Manager. Download it from here.