Galaxy Note Fan Edition ROM for Note 3: Download Galaxy Note FE ROM for Note 3

Samsung released Galaxy Note Fan Edition to reuse the parts of the Note 7 which was recalled due to battery issues. Now, a developer has churned out Samsung Galaxy Note FE ROM for Note 3 which brings the new Galaxy S8 UI and other enhancements that are introduced in the Fan Edition ROM. Before you flash this ROM, keep in mind that it is compatible with only qualcomm version of Note 3 which means N9005 / N900SK.

Galaxy Note Fan Edition ROM for Note 3

Also, you will need current kernel option supported so make sure to install kernel before ROM installation in order to avoid problem. Kernel is included in the package. Here are the features of the ROM.

* AOD Touch Enable / Disable
* Disable AOD Touch in the pocket
* AOD Auto/Manual Brightness control
* AOD position moving to prevent Burn-in
* Bluelight Filter
* Folder lock on the homescreen
* Fastest Perfomance
* Multi-languages supported
* 106 multi CSC
* Supports over 90 national system languages

* AOD/Bluelight is working on any kernel
* Lsskernel 3.8UX
* Magisk V12 & MagiskSU
* SuperSu 2.79 SR3
* Systemless Xposed 87.1 topjohnwu
* Updated lastest system app

Following things are not working right now.

* Sidesync, black screen but presentation mode is working
* Video call
* S-View is not supported
* Bootloops with Jio Sim
* Spen cursor is misaligned

Here is how to install it.

Root permission and Custom recovery  – PhilZ Touch / CWM / Note 3 TWRP
Make sure your phone is fully charged to 100%

Step01. Backup your data.
Step02. Perform a factory reset on recovery.
Step03. Recovery runs the ROM file.

Instructions for install the UX.

Aroma Installer
Step 4. Select the language you want to use for the installation.
Step 5. Select "MagMa-NX Custom Firmware Install".
Step 6. Select the device you are using.
Step 7. Select the kernel to use.
If you installed the kernel before installing the ROM
Select "[Kernel preinstalled] Do not install the kernel".
Step 8. Select the CSC of your carrier.
Step 9. Select the debloat App. (Keep default option if possible)
Step 10. SystemUI, UDS, and the color of the battery icon displayed in the status bar.
Step 11. Select the launcher you want to use. (Default: S8 Launcher)
Step 12. Select the Add user selection option.
Step 13. Select the type of camera app you want to use.
Step 14. Select the sound mode you want to use.
Step 15. Select the gps locale in your area.
Step 16. Select the type of rooting.
Step 17. Select the wipe method.
Step 18. Now click Next to install the ROM as you chose so far.
Step 19. When the installation is complete, click Next to reboot the system immediately.
Step 20. Wait approximately 15 ~ 20 minutes and the system will be booted and the first system setup screen will appear.

Step 21. After the initialization is complete and the home screen is displayed after booting is completed, run the "Live wallpapers" app on the second home screen.
Step 22. Select "HOME AND LOCK SCREEN" and select the desired background.
Step 23. Press "SET AS WALLPAPER" to finish setting up Infinity wallpapers.
Step 24. Now, when you press the power button to turn off the screen, the AOD screen is displayed and the Infinity wallpapers are applied.

Galaxy S5 Mini Underclock Overclocking ROM

You can overclock or underclock Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini by flashing the Slim6 Marshamallow ROM. The developer has enabled graphite, strict aliasing, memory sanitize, cortex tuning and pthread. There are a few build.prop tweaks as well. He has removed camera, gallery, browser, email and STK. A host of useful applications have been installed which include:

Galaxy S5 Mini overclocking

– MiXplorer – A fantastic file manager –….php?t=1523691
– Viper4Android –….php?t=2191223
– Material Design Xposed installer ( Note you still need to install the framework.This can be done via the app)…aller-t3137758
– Substratum Theme Engine – A Layers theme manager –…ratum-t3423623
– Kernel Adiutor-Mod –…ernel-t3333549
– Adaway – Ad Blocker app
– Nova Launcher –…launcher&hl=en

Here are some overclock  / underclocking controls.

* Compiled with self built optimized UBER 6.3 toolchain
* Unlocked CPU frequencies: 1500MHZ,200MHZ and 300MHZ
* Updated Linux kernel from 3.4.39 to the latest 3.4.113
* Added many optimizations (You can see all of the optimization flags in the makefile on the kernel source page)
* Enabled graphite
* Fading LED’s
* Added Drivedroid Support

Added GPU governors include Zzmoove , Hyper , Alucard , Darkness , Nightmare , Wheatley , Smartassv2 , Dancedance , Pegasusq. Added I/O schedulers : Zen , Sio , Fifo , Fiops , Tripndroid , Vr

Installation instructions:

– Download the zip file
– Copy to your phone
– Reboot into Galaxy S5 mini TWRP recovery mode (Volume-Up + Home + Power button)
– Wipe Dalvik/art Cache, Cache, System and Data (inside Wipe -> Advanced Wipe)
– Install Slim6
– Install GAPPS
– Reboot

Nexus 4 Android Nougat 7.1 download: Nexus 4 unlegacy android project ROM

Nexus 4 users are used to vanilla android experience and what better than having latest android 7.1 nougat ROM onboard? This is pure android ROM and there are no annoying applications onboard. Since this ROM is a port, the developer has made sure that everything works out of box. This included some changes that were required to support the Nexus 4 hardware.

Nexus 4 Android Nougat 7.1 download

* Linux kernel 3.4.y merged in (currently 3.4.108 * mostly security patches and minor bug fixes)
* BFQ IO scheduler (official kernel 3.4 release), set up so GUI processes have the highest priority
* F2FS support from kernel 4.9 (for /data only no point of f2fs on /cache)
* SELinux in Enforcing mode

It is important that system folder is unmounted before you install this ROM. Also since this ROM is without gapps, it is required that you install opengapps’ micro.

If you want stock like setup, disable the following built-in (AOSP) apps:
– Android keyboard (once you installed Gboard)
– Browser
– Calculator
– Camera
– Clock
– Email
– Gallery

Rooting is simple as well. Just download and flash latest SuperSU to root the android phone. So if you like plain android experience on your nexus 4, this is the ROM you should install.

Download Android 7 Nougat ROM for Moto E 2015

Moto E 2015 may no longer be getting updates to latest android but there are several ROM developers that are churning out Android 7 Nougat updates for the android phone. This particular ROM is called AOSP Extended and it gives you stock user interface with some customizations with the custom developer’s theme engine. This gives you smooth and lag free experience out of box.

Download Android 7 Nougat ROM for Moto E 2015

Here are features of the Android 7 Nougat ROM for Moto E:

*  DUI(Fling/Pulse/Smartbar)
*  Substratum Theme Engine
*  Inbuilt SuperSU
*  Privacy Guard
*  Expanded Desktop
*  Dashboard suggestions/summaries (Enable/Disable)
*  Statusbar Clock/Date customizations
*  Statusbar Traffic Indicators
*  Notification count
*  Dt2s on Statusbar
*  QS quick pulldown
*  QS Brightness Slider(Enable/Disable)
*  QS Tiles Animations
*  Force expand notifications(Enable/Disable)
*  Immersive Mode messages(Enable/Disable)
*  Flashlight Notifications
*  Immersive Recents
*  Toast icon
*  MediaScanner behaviour on boot
*  Heads up Notifications(Enable/Disable)
*  Power Menu Customizations
*  Additional Battery Saver steps
*  Volume Rocker tweaks(Wake/Music seek/Keyboard cursor control/Swap in landscape mode)
*  Spanish Translations
*  PT BR Translations
*  Update Fling Logo
*  Add gestures back to settings app
*  QS haptic feedback
*  One tap data & Wifi tile
*  Auto brightness icon toggle
*  Breathing Notifications
*  Clickable clock and date in statusbar header
*  Long press gear icon in statusbar header launches Extensions
*  Show 4G instead LTE switch
*  Night Mode is back
*  Night Mode QS Tile
*  Long press caffeine tile action
*  Customize QS Rows/Columns
*  Customize small QS Tiles
*  StatusBar brightness control
*  Lockscreen Shortcut
*  Double tap on lockscreen to sleep
*  Quick Unlock for PIN/Password
*  Battery Styles and percentage
*  Change default file manager to MK Explorer
*  Add FMRadio
*  Add support for Jio4G Voice App
*  Navbar QS Tile
*  Flip Button Animation
*  Unlink Notification volume
*  Status bar clock Seconds
*  Partial ScreenShot Type
*  Screenshot Delay
*  Slimperience browser
*  Pixel’s bootanimation(Experimantal)
*  Pixel’s UI(Navbar/Accent/Pixel launcher)
*  OMS7
*  Camera sound toggle
*  Advance Ambient Display
*  Longpress power button on lockscreen for torch
*  Disable FC
*  Wakelock Blocker
*  Toggle Lockscreen Media Art
*  Toggle Lockscreen music Visualizer
*  Ticker
*  Bluetooth QS tile easy toggle(one touch)
*  CM’s Eleven Music Player
*  Disable QS on Lockscreen
*  Invert Ambient display’s Color
*  Toggle Dynamic notification card’s color
*  Low Battery Notification Toggle
*  Hide Clock/Date/Alarm text from lockscreen
*  Lockscreen Clock’s Font customizations
*  Weather on lockscreen

Here are installation instructions:

*  Download the ROM and GApps of your choice
*  Backup each and every partition from Moto E TWRP Recovery
*  Make a full wipe system, data, cache, dalvik
*  Install the ROM
*  Install GAPPS package
*  Wipe cache.
*  And at last Reboot.
[First boot will take few minutes. Keep patience.
Clean Flash is always recommended.

Galaxy S5 Mini Android Marshmallow 6 Pre rooted, deodexed, de-knoxed ROM Download with Touchwiz

We have got hold of official touchwiz android 6 Marshmallow ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini that is deodexed, rooted and de-knoxed. This ROM is exactly the same as the one that was pushed by Samsung but the only difference is that it has been rooted so there is no need of rooting it again. The only requirement to flash it is that you need to have Galaxy S5 Mini TWRP installed and second, it works only on the G800F variant of the android phone.

Download Galaxy S5 Mini Android Marshmallow 6 Pre rooted, deodexed, de-knoxed ROM

Here are the installation instructions for installing the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Android Marshmallow 6 Pre rooted, deodexed, de-knoxed ROM.

1 Download original Firmware and mod.

2 Boot to recovery and wipe everything – internal storage isn’t necessary, but it is always recommended to start a 100% clean installation

3 Boot to Download mode and flash original firmware using ODIN

4 Let it boot, configure your things, etc and then go back to download mode

5 Flash latest TWRP recovery – don’t let the phone boot. Press volume up + home + power until “recovery is not seandroid enforcing” message pops up as soon as ODIN finishes the flashing process

6 Press install and select this mod.

Should you get antivirus for android phone?

If you are an android user, you might be having several questions about whether you should have antivirus on your phone or not. Many Apple users see android phone as virus-prone phones and do not like buying them for this very reason. However, this virus problem becomes a non-issue if you install a nice antivirus application on your phone. This way, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of an android ecosystem and remain virus-free too.

android antivirus (2)

There are plenty of antivirus applications out there but the one we recommend is AVG antivirus. This is a free antivirus for android and protects your phone from viruses and more. The Google Play Store is the main target for such viruses and malware. Google does not have a strong comprehensive policy and hackers make use of it put adware, Trojans, viruses and spy tools in their applications. Their applications send private user information back to the hacker which can be used for all sorts of bad things.

Fortunately, by installing AVG antivirus, you make your phone immune. The first thing you should do after installing of AVG app is full scan of the system. It supports scanning of both internal and external storage. This is important as sometimes there are applications that might have installed malware or virus in your system which could already be harming you or your phone’s performance. AVG will help you get rid of those and more.

android antivirus (3)

AVG antivirus is more than antivirus. It has wifi scanning feature that alerts you if you are connecting to a network with poor security level. It also protects your phone from ARP poisoning where the hacker can redirect you to different URL and infect your phone. It runs in the background and scans the webpages and if it finds something harmful, it stops its activity and alerts you. Main web browser and Google Chrome are supported. It monitors the battery consumption in the background and can turn on power saving feature if the power levels go under specified level. For instance, you can make power saving turn on as soon as your phone hits 20 percent battery level.

android antivirus (1)

Verdict – We love the fact it works on both android phones and tablets. It is optimized for both small and big screen devices. AVG antivirus is must have phone for all android users.