Galaxy Note 8 Overclocking and Underclocking using Custom Kernel – SM-N950F/FD/N SM-G95XF/FD/N custom kernel

Galaxy Note 8 Overclocking and Underclocking download

Do you want to squeeze out more performance or improve battery life of your Samsung galaxy Note 8? The best way to do is by installing Note 8 custom kernel that enables overclocking and unclocking of CPU clock and cores. For that, you will have to install iron kernel that lets you choose between various CPU governors including performance, powersave, userspace, ondemand, interactiv (default), conservative and schedutil.

To install this Note 8 kernel, follow these instructions:

0. Have a working Note 8 custom recovery and encryption removed.
1. Download kernel and copy it to your sd card
2. Boot into twrp recovery mode (press bixby + volume up + power)
3. Flash kernel
4. Flash any other file which affects ramdisk (Magisk or SuperSU)
5. Reboot

Here are other features of this Note 8 kernel.

* Build with latest 6.4.0 GNU GCC toolchain
* Build with AQI1 kernel source code
* Latest Linux version 4.4.89, is always up to date
* Performance and Batterylife improved
* Includes latest AQI8 ramdisk
* I/O schedulers: CFQ (Default), No-op, Deadline
* NTFS enabled
* TCP (Network) control: Bic (default), Reno, cdg, cubic, dctcp, Westwood, Highspeed, Hybla, HTCP, Vegas, Veno, Scalable, LP, Yeah, Illinois, Lia, Olia, Wvegas, balia
* Selinux is set to permissive
* Supports Private Mode
* F2fs on /data partition
* Init.d support
* All samsung security related configs disabled (as knox, tima, restrict rooting)

Download S8 ROM for Galaxy J7 2016: Nemesis Nougat ROM for J7

Download S8 ROM for Galaxy J7 2016

A ROM developer has ported Samsung Galaxy S8 ROM to the J7 2016 android phone. The ROM is based on S8 AQH3 Nougat firmware. It has permissive kernel and is fully stock at the moment. However, the developer has debloated and deknoxed it. To install this S8 ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S8 ROM, you will need latest J7 2016 TWRP custom recovery which is only way of installing third party ROMs.

Installation instructions:
1) Put the zip file in your SD Card
2) Reboot in Recovery Mode (use Twrp or Philz Recovery)
3) Wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache and format /System (If running Philz Recovery use the “Clean before install a new rom” option)
4) Install the ROM
5) Install Magisk or Supersu if you want root
6) Reboot

Here are features of this ROM:

* Base Updated to Official J710FN Nougat one
* Ported S8 AQH3 Rom
* Fixed NFC
* Fixed Pin Unlock delay
* Fixed Dual Sim
* Added N8 Launcher
* Added N8 Phone/Contacts
* Added N8 SMS
* Added N8 Keyboard
* Added N8 Livedrawing (is laggy because of our gpu but works)
* Added Native Blur
* Added Full working People Edge

Download Note 8 TWRP recovery: Custom recovery TWRP for Samsung galaxy note 8

Download Note 8 TWRP recovery

TWRP custom recovery for Samsung galaxy note 8 is available for download. This Galaxy Note 8 TWRP custom recovery is required to flash custom ROMs and all other sorts of hacks that are required to make system-level changes on your new Note 8 smartphone. Right now, the TWRP custom recovery is compatible with only Exynos variants and that means it cannot be flashed to American(U/A/T/P/V), Chinese(0/8/6), Hong Kong(0), Japanese(SC-*), Canadian(W) variants.

Continue reading Download Note 8 TWRP recovery: Custom recovery TWRP for Samsung galaxy note 8

Download Android 7 for Galaxy Alpha: Lineage OS 14.1 for S801

Download Android 7 for Galaxy Alpha

Samsung stopped churning out updates for the Galaxy Alpha android phone a while ago but XDA developers are busy at work and they are still pumping out quality ROMs that bring latest android 7 Nougat to the users. This one is called Lineage OS and it brings Android nougat onboard. It shall be noted that it works only with SM-G850W variant of Galaxy Alpha. This ROM does not work with Exynos variant (SM-G850F) nor a locked bootloader (SM-G850A). Here is how to flash it.

Make sure that your SM-G850W has the Lollipop bootloader and modem (The last installed stock ROM must be 5.0.2).
Flash Galaxy Alpha TWRP recovery via Odin.
Use Odin without ‘Auto Reboot’ option.
After flashing TWRP via Odin, reboot to TWRP recovery (Vol UP + Home + Power). Don’t reboot to the stock image which restores the stock recovery.
Boot to TWRP recovery (Vol UP + Home + Power).
Wipe data / Factory Reset
Install the ROM (CM zip).
Install the Gapps.

That is it – you are now running android 7 on your Galaxy Alpha. Again, this ROM is only compatible with Snapdragon version of Samsung galaxy alpha and not Exynos variant that is sold in many parts of Asia.

Nexus 4 Android 7.1.2 ROM Nitrogen operating system

A custom ROM that is based on vanilla android 7.1.2 is available for download for the LG Nexus 4 phone. It is easily root-able but requires you to have Nexus 4 TWRP custom recovery onboard as that opens doors to flash unofficial things like custom firmware. This very ROM is called Nitrogen OS by its developer and he has also made the entire source code available on github.

Nexus 4 Android 7.1.2 ROM Nitrogen operating system

Here is how you flash Nexus 4 Android 7.1.2 ROM Nitrogen operating system

* Go to your recovery
* Wipe Data; Install ROM and Gapps zip (DO NOT FLASH SUPERSU, SuperUser is included in the ROM)
* Reboot – 1st boot takes around 3-4 minutes.
* Flash ROM, gapps, unsu zip, SuperSu and reboot

You will find the SuperSu in the application drawer and it will work like a charm – without any problems. If you restart / reboot your android phone, this very application icon will disappear from the list but your Nexus 4 will still be rooted.

So there you have it – the latest android 7.1.2 firmware for your LG Nexus 4. It is best ROM right now and nearly bug-free. We love the fact the Nexus 4 Android 7.1.2 ROM Nitrogen operating system has root out of box.

Samsung S8 ROM for Galaxy Note 3: Download S8 firmware for Note 3

If you fathom all the amazing features of the Samsung Galaxy S8 on your Note 3, a developer has ported Samsung S8 UI and other amazing S8 applications for the Note 3. To flash S8 ROM for Note 3, you will need root permission and Note 3 TWRP custom recovery. ROM is said to be very stable and everything is working like a champ. So you can easily use it as your daily driver.

Samsung S8 ROM for Galaxy Note 3

Here are the Samsung Galaxy S8 features included in this ROM – SMusic , TouchWizHome , SBrowser , VoiceRecorder , Icons , SamsungNotes , GameHome , Weather , WeatherWidget , SamsungTheme , Audio , Fonts , sounds , GearManager , VideoList , Wallpaper , Build.prop , Themed SystemUI(StatusBar) , SamsungContact , SamsungIncallUI.

You can download the ROM from here and put in your phone’s storage. Then flash it in TWRP. The ROM also comes preloaded with Samsung galaxy S8 wallpapers for the best possible S8 feel.

This is an excellent ROM for those who are not yet ready to switch to new hardware like S8 and want to use their Samsung Galaxy Note 3 as much as possible. This year, Samsung will be releasing Note 8 which might be right time to upgrade. Until then, you can simply install S8 ROM on your Note 3.