Underclock / overclock Galaxy Note 3 Snapdragon edition by using Lolz-Kernel

If you want to underclock or overclock Samsung Galaxy Note 3 snapdragon edition, you can do so by downloading and installing this custom kernel. It is called Lolz-kernel and is meant to be installed only in snapdragon devices.

overclock galaxy note 3

Lolz-Kernel feature list.

* Compiled with Bleeding Edge Toolchain GCC-8.2
* CPU governors: adaptive, smartmax, weathley, nightmare, alucard,intellidemand, impulse, intelliactive,lionheart and zzmoove.
* CPU Input boost by @Sultanxda (disabled by default).
* CPU Voltage Control.
* Disabled MPdecision.
* Intellithermal v2
* Hotplugs: , Intelliplug, msm_hotplug.
* CPU Overclock and underclock.
* GPU Overclock and underclock.
* GPU governors: kt-simple, conservative
* GPU: Adreno idler.
* Sound Control v3 by @faux123
* Kcal
* Schedulers: fiops, maple, fifo, vr, sioplus, tripndroid, zen and deadline.
* TCP congestion: westwood, reno, bic, hybla, htcp, vegas, veno, scalable, lp, yeah and illinois
* USB Fastcharge

How to install Lolz-kernel?

1. Download the kernel zip file from here – https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=5862345805528064859
2. Go to your Galaxy Note 3 TWRP > flash the kernel zip file and then magisk if you want root Galaxy Note 3.
3. Reboot.