Samsung Galaxy Gear Can Run Normal Android Apps

Are you are the one who feels that the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch is lacking application support? We all know third party app support is quite bad for the Galaxy Gear but if you are ready to some tinkering, you can get full size Android apps working on it just fine. Just keep in mind that you can only run those applications that do not require any Internet connection. Also, you will have trouble finding apps that look decent on its 1.63 inch display.

Samsung Galaxy Gear Can Run Normal Android Apps

So, what all applications can it handle? Well, this little machine packs an 800 MHz processor and 512 MB RAM, so it can run pretty much all apps. We tested out Candy Crunsh and it ran just fine. As arstechnica explains, all you need to do is install ADB on your computer. Once you have enabled USB debugging, go into settings menu on the Gear, and install the required Samsung drivers on your computer. After that, pushing apps is as easy as typing a line of command via terminal.