LG G5 ROM ported to Optimus G Pro

LG has forgotten about the LG Optimus G Pro and is no longer pushing updates to it but folks at XDA developers are still supporting the phone pretty nicely. Now, LG G5 user interface and its new apps have been ported to LG Optimus G Pro. The ROM is pre rooted and comes with super SU and busybox installed. There is a automatic call recorder function as well.

lg g5 port optmius g pro

Here are its list of features:

* Based on 5.0.2 F310L 30B firmware
* Ported UX 5.0 from the LG G5 H850 V09H
* Aroma installer
* SuperSU
* Busybox + runparts
* init.d support
* Debloated
* Brightness and Volume toggle
* Split View
* Auto Calling Recorder
* Knock Code support
* All lockscreen weather animations
* LG’s hidden menu

The ROM comes with LG G5 Home Ux40, EasyHome, Keyboard, Health, Video, weather style and full smart notice functions.

Here is how to install it.

* Download ROM from here. Perform a full nandroid backup.
* Make sure you have a custom recovery installed. (TWRP tested)
* Full wipe recommended
* Flash ROM
* First boot may take up to 10 minutes

If you do not get signal on your LG G Optmius Pro

1. Flash rom, don’t reboot
2. Flash this patch
3. Reboot