Samsung has confirmed officially that it will be launching the Galaxy Note 2 in Australia this month, it did not mention on what all network providers will it be offering it. Now we know that Vodafone, Optus and Telstra will be offering with Optus shipping the phone this week itself (late November).
Author: Bitcfast
Galaxy Note 2: EE 4G price, plans
The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE version will retail for GBP 355 more than the non-LTE version for a 2 year contract. Right now, EE UK is offering it for 41 pounds per month in which you pay GBP 140 upfront. In return, you get 1GB data per month as well. Compared to the non LTE version on 3G data plan, you get 100 texts per month (vs unlimited on LTE) and 6000 minutes per months on calls.
Download Light Manager for Galaxy Note 2
Originally created for Samsung Galaxy S3, the Light Manager works perfectly on Note 2 which shows that software-wise, both of these super phones are not so different. The Light Manager allows you to configure the color of your LED and its flashing frequency. It also allows you to configure notifications for those services which are not natively present in LED notifications’ settings such as notification for no signal, no Wi-Fi and so on. Here is the list of items it can configure:
Galaxy Note 2 Metal Back Battery Cover
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 sports a very premium finish and uses better plastics than the Galaxy S3 but there are some people (not me) that like to add some metal to their phone by using a metal battery cover. This immediately adds some more class to the design. These cases can be bought from amazon or ebay and cost somewhere between $8-$15.
Galaxy Note 10.1 Zenus Massitge Lettering Case
Couple of months back, we posted a review of Zenus Vintage case for the first generation Samsung Galaxy Note and we loved the detail and precision Zenus puts in while manufacturing cases for various Samsung phones and tablets. The Massitge cases are special as they have letters and symbols engraved on the leather giving them a very unique and different look.
Continue reading Galaxy Note 10.1 Zenus Massitge Lettering Case
Galaxy Note 2: Seidio Active Combo with Kickstand Review
Seidio has released a very high quality case called Active Combo with built-in metal kickstand. The case has two layers, one inside made of polymer for better grip and another hard shell for outstanding impact protection. Both hard shell and polymer on the inside have premium rubber finish that does not attracts or gather dust.
Continue reading Galaxy Note 2: Seidio Active Combo with Kickstand Review