Windows Phone 8.1.1 Feature List Leaked by Microsoft Employee

A massive feature list for the upcoming Windows Phone 8.1.1 has been leaked by a Microsoft employee on reddit. The employee, microsoftly claims that he works for Microsoft and following features are on their bucket list.

* Interactive live tiles
* Lock screen applications will be built inside core system
* Features in Action Center
* Music controls in Action Center
* More detailed notifications in Action Center
* Dividing line in Action Center
* Application Games to be deleted and replaced with Xbox One application dealing with avatar, messages, remote and other features.
* Name to be decided YouTube application to be built completely with html 5 coding as requested by Google
* Instagram application to have DIRECT MESSAGING and better video uploading capabilities and camera fixes UI for camera to be tweaked with enhanced features from Nokia Camera application
* KIK Messenger to be finished in late June, overhauled design and html 5 support Skype with completely new design.
* Messages in bubbles and chat heads similar to Facebook messenger?
* Facebook messenger to have improved notifications, polished design and new set of fonts along with video chat, calling and improved emoji store
* OneNote to have many new features as Word.
* A possible merger Ability to set WordFlow’s guide line to accent invisible
* Give users choice to have invisible tiles on individual applications
* New lock screen gestures input and other unique, disclosed password input technique options
* Calculator upgrades to version 2 with more scientific features
* Month view drastically changed in design in calendar application
* Alarm application to feature a stopwatch, timer and splits
* Cortana to head out of beta
* Internet Explorer applications
* Give uses the choice to delete Podcasts application
* New voice memo application Backgrounds (Accent Colour 2)
* Store with wallpapers from featured applications
* Ability to favorite applications in store to better suggestions
* Unit converting applications
* Change colour of keyboard to black, white, gray, accent colour without changing background color
* Keep word suggestion bar hidden until something is typed
* Tiles to update as frequently as 30 seconds if feature is turned on by user or developer
* Music volume controls to be centered
* OneNote having abilities to use art tools
* Facebook application from official company
* Email/Outlook application to follow same design as computer base
* Photos will have description such as name, place and time

Windows Phone 8.1.1

The ones that we will definitely we waiting for are music controls in Action Center; KIK messenger and direct messaging in Instagram.