Types of cases for iPhone 7 Plus

Apple iPhone is a big industry for the phone case manufactures. There are several different companies out there that make different types of amazing and not-so-amazing iPhone cases. Their latest and flagship phone is iPhone 7 Plus and people are buying all sorts of cases to protect their investment.

cases for iPhone 7 Plus

The main reason behind this is the fact the iPhone 7 Plus has large form factor. If are a person who does not like baby-caring their handsets, then getting a nice heavy duty iPhone 7 Plus case makes sense. A good rugged case will protect the iPhone 7 Plus from getting scratched and scuffed. It will also prevent from getting physically damaged.

In case you like to add some style and class to your iPhone 7 Plus, then getting a folio case is a better choice, especially if you get a leather folio case. There are rugged, heavy duty folio cases which is what we recommend to frequent travelers.

If your iPhone 7 Plus does get damaged, then follow this guide. iPhone, like any telephone, is powerless to splitting and shattering. On the off chance that you’ve broken your iPhone screen, and you’re no longer secured under guarantee, you might need to consider a do-it-without anyone’s help screen substitution. It can take under 10 minutes, on the off chance that you have all the correct devices for the occupation, and we can walk you through the entire repair, well ordered, all the way.

Before playing out any DIY repair, you ought to assess every one of your choices. For those that acquired AppleCare+ for their iPhone 7 Plus, go straight to an Apple Store or call 1-800-APL-CARE to plan a mail-in repair. Your guarantee covers you for this sort of episode, and it will cost you far less.

If you don’t have AppleCare+ yet just have a minor break in your screen and no harm to the casing, Apple may at present be your best choice. As of composing this, Apple charges $109 plus duty (USD) to supplant the screen on an iPhone 7 Plus. Simply know that if for reasons unknown your iPhone 7 Plus comes up short Apple’s alignment process or your edge is bowed, they’ll charge you the full substitution value, which is at present at $299 plus expense. Make sure that the iPhone color is available at the time of replacement as now, iPhone is available in variety of colors.

For those that don’t live almost an Apple Store and would prefer not to mail in their iPhone 7 Plus, DIY repair might be the correct decision for you. There are heaps of reasons individuals pick DIY repair, including all out cost. While Apple’s substitution costs don’t commonly change, the cost to repair an iPhone drops radically as the telephone ages. The iPhone 7 Plus is no special case so make sure to continue returning on part costs. They can and will keep on falling.