Download Paranoid 3.0 for Nexus phone and tablets

Paranoid 3.0 is a custom Android ROM for Android devices which is popular for allowing its users to adjust the DPI settings for every single app installed on the phone or tablet. In other words, you can tell the app to display itself in tablet mode even if you are on a phone-friendly resolution. With the release of the new v3.0, its developers are bringing a host of new features including a new custom menu launcher called Pie.

Download Paranoid 3.0 for Nexus phone and tablets

The RC release is already available for the Nexus range of smartphones and tablets that include Galaxy Nexus (link), Nexus 7 (link),  Nexus 10 (link) tablets and Nexus 4 (link) phone. Firmwares for other cellphones will be made available soon.

The new Pie menu hides the home, back and recent apps buttons, this giving you some extra estate for your apps. The Pie also shows extra information including status and clock. The developers behind Pie are also allowing the user to try it out on a custom ROM by installing application called LMT Launcher.