Download official CM13 for OnePlus 2: Vanilla android marshmallow ROM for OnePlus 2

Official cyanogen mod 13 aka CM13 for OnePlus 2 is now available for download. This will give you plain android aka vanilla android experience on the OnePlus 2. Also no need to worry about voiding warranty as OnePlus warranty covers software modifications.

Download official CM13 for OnePlus 2

Installation instructions:

* You must unlock OnePlus 2 bootloader via fastboot.
* Make sure you flashed OOS Beta 2.
* You must have a oneplus 2 custom recovery installed
* Go to and download the latest CM13.0 nightly.
* Locate 6.0 Gapps via a quick Google search.
* Fully wipe your device from Recovery if you are not coming from CM13.0 already.
* Reboot into recovery and install.

The only thing that is not said to be working is encryption but that is not working in oxygen OS 3 either.