The reason why you don’t get hardware acceleration even with Flash 10.1 beta 3 is because the driver shipped with Lenovo is out of date. The driver shipped with x100e laptop is version 8.663, but in order to support flash hardware acceleration under 10.1 beta, you need at least driver version 8.680 or above and also you will need Catalyst 9.11 or above. So you will need to update your driver. By default, Lenovo block any non-official driver update. however, there is a wary around it by doing it manually. go to this AMD link:
From there, go to option 2, Download both the driver and the Catalyst Control Center software. Extract the driver files on your X100e (you can either extract it by clicking on the driver file, it ask for an extract location, and once it is extracted, it will try to install, you can cancel the install, you just want to extract the files, that’s all you want from it. so you can cancel the installation. Alternatively, you can extract it with a third party program like WinRAR).
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