Android 4.2 Features

Android 4.2 was officially unveiled today and here are its features. First is the Photo sphere and gesture typing. Phone sphere lets you use your phone’s camera to take 360 degree pictures. The video given below shows how it works:

With gesture typing, you can swipe your finger from one letter to another and when you are doing with the word, lift your finger. Space is automatically inserted so that you can start swiping the next word. Android 4.2 will even suggest words to help you complete the sentence. Next feature is multiple user accounts in which each user will be allowed to have his own home screen, background image and widgets. Handy on tablets – very.

Android 4.2 Features

Next up is wireless display that only requires you to have HDMI TV with wireless adapter. Your android device’s screen will be mirrored to the TV. Notifications have also been improved and now, you will find a brand new notification menu that incorporates use of buttons for quick settings.