Original Nokia Lumia 635 630 CC-3079 OEM Back Shell Case Review

The Nokia Lumia 630 allows users to easily change the back shell and since Lumia 635 shares the same chassis you can use the OEM cases for it as well. We recently received the official original CC-3079 accessory from Mobilefun.co.uk. The shipping was excellent and we got the product within 2 days which is mighty fast when you consider the fact that it came all the way from UK.

Here is how the packaging looks like:


The orange color is very eye catchy since it has a glossy surface. We love its build quality – very strong and does not flex much.


The Lumia 630 is offered with only matte covers but their official accessory has glossy surface. Removing the cover is very easy – just put your thumb in the middle of the back and pull out the case from bottom right corner of the phone.


Notice that the shell has unique brighter look around the edges.

The fitting is absolutely perfect – no squeaks anywhere. The case hugs the phone tightly. Button feedback is perfect. The back has a milky tone which makes the Lumia 635 and 630 stand out from the rest of the crowd.


To complete the transformation, go into settings > Theme and change the color of tiles to match case color.