New Android and Windows Devices to be debuted by Samsung on June 20

The ‘Premier 2013’ will be held on June 20th in London by Samsung to unveil ‘Galaxy and ATIV’. This very much indicates unveil of new Android and Windows based devices. So, the Android 4.3 might be released on the same date. ATIV, represents the devices with Windows OS. There are many speculations that Galaxy S4 mini may be released.


If Android 4.3 is released, it will fuel the expectations of the White Nexus 4 to be released with the same new OS. But nothing is clear of what will be announced or released exactly. Many have been speculating the release of Galaxy Note 3, though it seems less likely since it would be a too early to release a new version of Galaxy Note. There are also possibilities of a new Galaxy tablet or may be a new Windows 8 tablet.