Galaxy S4 is already on sale but that does not mean Galaxy S3 community is dead. In fact, a lot of developers are working day and night in making the S3’s experience better than ever. An XDA ROM developer has churned out a lite ROM for the S3 that is pre rooted, zipaligned and bloatware free.

Features of this lite ROM
Latest Release: (May 11, 2013)
Firmware: XXEMD2 NeatROM Lite v4.2 (4.1.2)
More Lite
More Optimized
Build date: Wed Apr 12 2013
Kernel: XXEMD2 Stock – Repacked
Modem: XXEMC2
Change List: 1071725
Available languages in Rom: Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English (Australia), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Espanol, Estonian, Euskara, Francais, Galego, Hrvatski, Icelandic, Irish, Italiano, Kazakh, Latviesu, Lietuviu, Macedonian, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk bokmal, Polski, Portugues, Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi, Svenska, Turkce, Uzbek, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Korean
Fully Deodexed
Disabled Boot Sounds
Init.d Support
Init.d Tweaks
Build.prop Tweaks
Fully Optimized
Fully Tweaked
Improved Virtual Memory
Kernel Debugging – Disabled
Reduced Home button Lag
Default Language – English
No Auto Converting messages to MMS
Unlimited Contacts to SMS,MMS
Enabled Camera Sound Menu
Enabled All Languages for Samsung Keyboard
Enabled More Contacts (990)
Large Apn List
Media Scanner Fix Thanks to shoman94
New NeatROM Bootanimation Thanks to momo.martinovic
4 Way Reboot Menu[
Skip Songs Thanks to master_droid
Enabled Multiview for all apps Thanks to master_droid
Removed Bloatware
You can download the Galaxy S3 ROM from here. Here is its mirror. Keep in mind that that this ROM is for the one with Exynos processor, not snapdragon, which is being used in those being sold on MetroPCS, AT&T, T-Mobile and so on.