Galaxy Note 10.1 S-Pen Tutorials

So you just bought a Galaxy Note 10.1 for yourself and want to know how to make the most out of that amazing tablet? Samsung Mobile has posted several useful videos that do a wonderful job of explaining the utility of S-pen in Note 10.1.

The above playlist contains 15 videos. Make sure to watch them all.

Download ATT Galaxy Note CyanogenMod 9

Download ATT Galaxy Note CyanogenMod 9Cyanogen Mod 9 is nearly complete and is working like a charm on the ATT i717 Galaxy Note. It is a great firmware for those who want pure Android experience without any touchwiz or any sort of addons baked. Heck, the developers have not even included an S-pen app. They suggest you to install Papyrus and Markers app from Marketplace if you want them.

To install Cyanogen Mod 9 ROM, use these instructions:

Continue reading Download ATT Galaxy Note CyanogenMod 9

How to Print Using Galaxy Note 10.1

How to Print Using Galaxy Note 10.1I received this question via email today from a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (Galaxy Note 800) user:
’Hello galaxy note news! I love my Galaxy Note 10.1 but I am unable to figure out how do I print from this tablet?’

Challenge accepted. We will be making use of Google’s service called Cloud Print. We are also assuming that the printer is connected to one of your computers. 

Continue reading How to Print Using Galaxy Note 10.1

ATT Galaxy Note Modems (UCLF6, UCLC5, UCLE2, UCLC5, UCLD3, UCLA1)

ATT Galaxy Note Modems (UCLF6, UCLC5, UCLE2, UCLC5, UCLD3, UCLA1)Here are all the modems for the ATT Samsung Galaxy Note i717. If you are on ICS, you can use any of the following modems. To flash them, boot into CWM recovery and flash this zip.
CWM recovery: hold both VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN and POWER. After you feel the first vibration, let go of the POWER button but keep holding the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN.

Continue reading ATT Galaxy Note Modems (UCLF6, UCLC5, UCLE2, UCLC5, UCLD3, UCLA1)