Valve Stream Controller To Release at GDC 2014

Valve has been busily engrossed in making latest Steam Controller prototypes for visitors for the GDC conference and today the company has taken the wraps of its latest Steam Controller design. The controller sports improved styling and does away with the screen that was included in its previous prototypes.

Valve Stream Controller To Release at GDC 2014

These prototypes incorporate much of the testing feedback we have received so far and the changes that were announced at Steam Dev Days. Even though our limited internal play testing has been going really well, we’re excited to get some feedback from our customers on these latest changes. For those of you able to attend GDC next week, please drop by our booth, as there will be some demo stations set up with the latest prototypes for play testing and feedback gathering. For those of you not able to attend GDC, for now we wanted to at least share a photo of the latest design changes

This is how the earlier prototype used to look. The final one is a definite improvement.  It will be released at the Game Developers Conference 2014.


Source: Valve