Google play flashes Nexus 5

Though Google hasn’t gone official about Nexus 5 now, Google play seems to play naughty. The store displayed the Nexus 5 for a few hours, but the link was made unavailable within hours such news flashed in. The phone was listed at $349. Get a look at the leaked specs after the break.


Here are some of the speculated specs:

  • 4.95 inch display
  • 2300 mAh battery
  • 1.3MP front camera
  • 8MP rear camera
  • 2.3GHz Snapdragon 800 processor
  • 32GB internal storage
  • Android 4.4 KitKat

The sources also expect the date of revelation of the new OS- Android 4.4 KitKat around Oct 28. The KitKat is speculated to have some icon changes(like that of camera and Gmail) and a possibility of Hangouts app replacing the home screen SMS icon. The ‘Google Play’ link, which now is not working though, can be accessed here.