The Cocoon Grid-It offers something particularly unusual–instead of a series of pockets for your gear, this one offers a series of bungee straps instead, allowing you to simply strap down things like your AC adapter and the like instead of slipping it into pockets. Most everything from a set of headphones to a DVD case can fit into one of these straps, and you’ll have a variety of sizes on hand to ensure that most everything you need held down gets, in fact, held down.
The upshot and downshot alike on this one is, thankfully, pretty obvious. It’s a unique and distinctive design, and plays will with most anything from a tablet clear up to a laptop with a twelve inch monitor. Anything larger than that, though, will be left wholly out in the cold. And while this is a great way to get your stuff moved from point A to point B, you’ll have to carry the thing by hand as it has no shoulder straps, or even hand carry straps. Also, I’ve found that the whole thing has an unpleasant plastic smell to it, but that could be a matter of personal bias.
Though considering you can get these for as little as ten bucks, depending on where you shop, it’s not as though one of these will break the bank, and they’ll take care of most of your hardware carrying needs, if a bit awkwardly. It’s a surprisingly fully-featured package for a small case, and should serve your needs pretty well.